-DAY 29-DAY 29
Psalm 119:73 says, “Your hands made me and formed me.”
The Lord didn’t just create us and let things go without getting involved. God created the heavens and earth, plant and animal life, and he made us with intricate detail and uniqueness. God puts great care into all the things he makes. With loving purpose he designed your physical appearance, your mind, your talents, and your personality. He delights in what he has made and longs to know you.
God has always dwelled with his people. In the garden of Eden he dwelled with Adam and Eve. After Adam and Eve sinned, God went to extravagant lengths to pursue his people. He sent prophets with his message, and he gave the Israelites instructions for the tabernacle, where his presence would be. Then Jesus came to earth. After the ascension, God poured the Holy Spirit into our hearts so that God will always be present with us. He will never leave or forsake us.
If you struggle with your identity, if you are insecure about the way God made you, if you tend to criticize yourself, then take extra time reading through today’s Psalm. Notice how God through the psalmist defines your identity. Observe how the psalmist describes how God made you. Write down the verses that stick out to you. Post them so you can be reminded of God’s love for you. You are not an accident. His hands made you and formed you. God values you and is thrilled about you! See you tomorrow!